Abundance Gatekeepers, LLC


Dryad’s Saddle/Pheasant Back (Polyporus squamosus)


The Dryad’s Saddle mushroom, also known as Polyporus squamosus, has been recognized for its various health benefits and uses in traditional medicine. Here are some of the key benefits: 

  • Help to enhance the immune system and improve the body’s ability to fight infections.
  • Antioxidants help to neutralize free radicals in the body, reducing oxidative stress and potentially lowering the risk of chronic diseases.
  • Can help reduce inflammation and may benefit conditions associated with chronic inflammation.
  • Dryad’s Saddle may have anticancer properties. These extracts have been shown to inhibit the growth of cancer cells in vitro.
  • Polyporus squamosus can help in regulating blood sugar levels, which could be beneficial for individuals with diabetes or those at risk of developing diabetes.
Give it a try by going to our products and get your tincture today!
References HealthlineHealth Benefits of Dryad’s Saddle & NCBIMedicinal Properties of Polyporus squamosus
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