Abundance Gatekeepers, LLC

Your Body & Mental Health

Let’s learn ways the human body is a remarkable machine. Capable of countless functions EVERY second. It has the ability to heal itself, adapt, process information and audit complex systems. The nervous and cardiovascular systems are intended to work in perfect harmony., from the way we breathe to the way we think, our bodies are a true marvel of nature.

Guided imagery is helpful to calm the mind and here’s how.

By using your imagination to visualize a peaceful scene or setting can calm the mind and reduce stress. 6 STEPS TO GUIDED IMAGERY   1. Find a quiet place where you can sit or lie down comfortably. 2. Close your eyes and slowly take a few deep breaths. In through the nose, out through the

Guided imagery is helpful to calm the mind and here’s how. Read More »

Neuroplasticity (sounds like) “Near-o-plas-tis-itty”

Also known as making habits Neuroplasticity is directly affected by a variety of factors, but especially how we perceive an experience. Memories, human senses (what we see, hear, taste, touch and what we are thinking) all affect neuroplasticity. The brain’s wiring system.   The more a thought or action is repeated a habit will form. Neuroplasticity

Neuroplasticity (sounds like) “Near-o-plas-tis-itty” Read More »

Protein For Good Mental Health

Are you getting enough protein for mental health benefits? Learn how protein benefits mental health. Protein is an essential nutrient that plays a vital role in mental health. Enhancing neurotransmitter production (see the post for neurotransmitters to understand this function in the brain): Proteins are the building blocks of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine,

Protein For Good Mental Health Read More »

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