Abundance Gatekeepers, LLC

More on “Bouncing Back”

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Bouncing back aka resiliency is important to learn. It can help you cope with difficult times and setbacks. Being resilient means that you can bounce back from difficult times so, they don’t consume your goals, dreams desires, etc. 

Here are some things you can practice for coping through difficult times: 

  1. Focus on your strengths: Everyone has things that they’re good at. What are some of yours?  Focusing on your strengths can help you feel more confident to overcome difficult times in your life.

  2. Practice problem-solving: When you run into a problem, don’t panic. Think of what you would think about the problem if it were a scene in a movie. Then, listen to that advice (as long as it’s not harmful to you or others). By breaking the problem down into smaller steps it doesn’t seem so overwhelming. Then, take the steps one at a time.

  3. Build a support system: It’s important to have people you can turn to when you need to cope or vent. This type of support let’s you get a different view of what is stressing you out. If you don’t have anyone you can turn to look for some inspiring support like,  TedTalks for Teens or someone that you believe makes sense.  Podcast can be another great source. 

  4. Take care of yourself: Eating well, (too much junk food forces your brain to make the wrong chemicals). Good sleep is also important. have you tried listening to certain frequencies like 888Hz? It’s really cool how certain frequencies  help calm our brain when problem solving. Exercise  regularly can help you feel better emotionally. How many jumping jacks can you do? 

  5. Positive self-talk: The way you talk to yourself will have a big impact on your mood and outlook. Always be kind. make your inner talks encouraging. Especially when things are tough.

Remember that building resiliency takes time and practice. You might make mistakes along the way but that’s ok! take note and keep getting better at this skill. The important thing is to keep trying and to believe in yourself. We believe in you! 

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